Tuesday, May 26, 2015

west lincoln rebels

Well it's time to leave west lincoln already but I'm excited. I will come back and visit and watch the football gmaes. I'm going to miss it a little bit. But hey we all have to graduate at some point in our lives. And here is the time class of 2015

Graduation 2015!!!!!!

I'm so ready for june 11th. you know what that is that is graduation day heck yeah. I'm ready to get out of here and start a new life with my boyfriend and other stuff. Get ready seinors of 2015 it's almost that time!!! time to say hooray we made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2015

good day and bad day!!!!

My day was good at first. But then as the day comes it just gets bad so I'm in a really really bad mood right now. My day could get worse or it could get better. we will see how it goes when I get home.

Monday, March 16, 2015

It's one of my bad days

Today has been a terrible day and a good day. The reason it has been terrible is i have a headache and people has gotten on my nerves bad and people as me the most stupidest questions ever. I hate when i get asked stupid questions thats a good way to make me mad and to get on my bad side. But the good part if talkin to my boyfriend and my friends.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Mind Your Own BUSINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

People needs to learn to mind there own freakin business and stop butting in to mine if you don't know whats going on then don't mess with it just leave it alone. if it don't evolve you then suck it up and mind your own business and don't worry about mine just leave it alone and let it be. so leave mine and my boyfriends business alone and keep our name out of yalls  mouth.   

Bad Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!