Thursday, December 5, 2013
Bad Day
It's second period right now and I am having a bad day right now but I hope it will get better as the day goes. Because I really don't want to have a bad day all day now because then I will just feel bad and I really don't want to feel bad all day but oh well it really don't matter but it will be ok I guess. One reason I am ticked off is my stupid stepmom she can go away and leave for all I care she is nothing but a big butthole.And the other reason is that one of my best friends just left to go home because she don't feel good:(.So now I am lonely and board now because she left I don't even want to do anything now that she is gone home:(.I wish she would have stayed here until second period was over then she could have left then but I really need her in second because I will get board and get lonely when she is not here.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Thanksgiving break
I went to Florida over my break it was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 22, 2013
My day is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I have got to see two hot guys today and plus I am going to Florida but those two hot guys made my day even better!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would tell you there names but I don't want to do that because I don't have to they are so freakin hot you just don't know it if you were in my foot steps you would now how hot they are.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Tomorrow Friday November 22,2013 I am going to go to Florida I am happy but not really I don't really wanna go I would love to spend time my boyfriend more than go there but it is what it is though but still if I had a choice I would choose to stay with my mamaw and papaw or my boyfriend. But I think I will have fun even thought I want be able to see him or talk to him. I will miss all my friends to thought because I won't be here Monday or Tuesday because that's the only two days we will have to come and then we are off for thanksgiving break yay! But I will also miss my mamaw and papaw a lot to because I probably want be able to talk to them or see them at all nut like I say who knows. But I really hope I will be able to see them while we are off for thanksgiving break to and I hope I get to see my boyfriend over thanksgiving break also and hopefully some of my friends. I will miss them all like I said I hope I can see some of them.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Mood Disorders
Me and my friend Carley are doing a project on mood disorders . People that have mood disorders can die at a young age. They have proven that less equally effective in controlled tests 65% to 85% of patients improve, compared with 25% to 40%..I feel bad for those who have do deal with ADHA because I feel for those parents that has to deal with that but epically when they die at a young age they have a lot on there mine here dealing with all of this stress that they have to deal with I mean these kids needs more help than anything they need more that 20 minutes of massage therapy.
Go Rebels
I Hope we win the Playoffs tonight. We Play Hunter Huss tonight. I hope we beat the living crap out of them tonight. I know we can do this. So let's GO REBELS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
About my Mom
My Mom is the best mom I have ever had in my whole life I miss her so very much I wish I could see her again I wish she was still here on earth so that away me and my sister would not have a piece of crap stepmom. She is not my mom and will never be I don't care what she says at all she can say what she wants. I love my mom so very much she was the best thing that ever happened to me and I wish she could still be here with me to help me and love me like she use to do I wish we could spend every minute and second together still. I wish she was still alive because she would be great help more that my stepmom is because my stepmom is not worth a crap she don't know how to be a real stepmom. I wish my Dad should of stayed with Rhonda because she cared about me and my dad and my sister. She understood what we was going through she would always comfort us and be there when we needed her. But I miss my mom so very much I would do anything to get her back on earth with me and have a loving family like we use to have when she was here. I wish it was still that way I would love to have her back with me and my family like it use to be. She made everyone smile no matter what day of the week it was she was there to take care of us and make other people smile. I would love for my mom to just meet my boyfriend because I know she would like him because he treats me good and he has respect and knows how to treat a girl and he is always there for me when I need him and he understood what I was going through I can go to him any time I need him he loves me to death does us apart. I just wish she has that opportunity to meet him and I also wish she had the opportunity to meet Baylen. I Love You Mom wish you was still here.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Someone I like
There's this guy that I really like his name is sammuel:).But he has a gf and i have a bf:(.But it's ok i know we both are happy but that dosen't mean i can't like him and talk to him just no touching him.I would never cheat one my bf and I know he would not ever cheat on his gf.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Happy Anniversary
The 19th of November will be mine and my boyfriends 1 year and 1 month. I am very excited about it to I can't wait till that day comes. He is mine forever and ever and always.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
The masque of the red death

The masque of the red death is about Prince Prospero's attempts to avoid a danger. Poe describes it as causing "sharp pains, and sudden dizziness, and then profuse bleeding at the pores" leading to death within half an hour. That's why he wrote some of this to explain some of the pain he was having or what other people was thinking. Why would he want to explain how he feels and other people feels for? Poe's wife suffering from this disease that's one of the reasons he was writing this is to explain how she was suffering from the terrible disease. "Red" Death in the "black" room that's one of the things he would call it I don't know why though. It has been suggested that the Red Death is not a disease or sickness at all but something else. Then what could this thing be then if it is not a disease or a sickness. How will they find out what it is? Are they a cure for what ever this is? We need some answers here so they can find out what this is and if there is a cure for it.But the original title for it is "The Mask of the Red Death". I'll be back to tell you more about this.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
1 year and 1 month
Saturday is mine and Tim's 1 year and 1 month I am so glad to be with him that long. I don't see how I can put up with him this long but it don't matter I still love him no matter what.
Things I am scared of
I don't like this movie about it he is to scary and makes you dream to bad of dream he can go fall in a whole for all I care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I love you this big video
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
9 months
Mine and my boyfriends 9 months was on Sunday and I was so happy we have been together for 9 months now. All just don't know how happy I am.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Good Day!!
Hey today has been a good day because i got to see my boyfriend and all of my friends today even though i had mondays they can make my day good and better by the moment.
Monday, April 15, 2013
tomorrow I hope will be a good day
Tomorrow is goin to be a good day becuase I get to see my boyfirend tomorrow and I want be all loney and hopefully I want have a bad day tomorrow I am so very excited to see him.
Monday Apirl 15,2013 I have had a bad day
Today is Monday April 15,2013 and today was not a good day today it had been bad.Because I have not felt good I have had a headache and I am really tired and sleepy.And I didn't get to see my boyfriend all day i miss him so much I just can't wait to see him tomorrow and go home and talk to him today.I love him with all my heart and when I don't get to see him I have a bad day and I just hate when I can't see him all the time or be with him all the time
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, April 11, 2013
I'm ready for friday
I am so ready for tomorrow becuase it is friday and this week has been s tiring and so boarding.I am ready to get some sleep because I am very tried and sleepy I need to catch up on my sleep very bad becuase I just need some sleep,
Thursday, March 28, 2013
article of the week
We have articles of the week and they are always due on every single friday thats if we have one but we will always have one more likley.The reason we have then it is get use ready for the ECOs which is end of course test so yeahh.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Feeling Lucky
Everyday I am with my boyfriend Tim I am feeling very lucky everyday because I have a feeling something special is goin to happen.I get this really good feeling inside me every single day because he is all I have ever wanted he is the sweetest thing I know.I am glad I am a lucky girl who has him for ever and ever and always.He makes me feel special everyday he is the reason I like to come to school and he is the reason my life is complete.I Feel so darn LUCKY when i am with him he makes me feel so special.:)!!
Friday, March 22, 2013
I miss you
I miss my boyfriend when I am not with him he is my everything and he will always be my everything.He is my pride and joy I love him with all of my heart I can't live without him.I couldn't live without him I need him with me at all times because I love him so dang I need him with me forever and ever and always.I just love him to death I just don't think I could live without him.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Happy 6 months
Today Is March 19,2013 and today It was mine and my boyfriends 6 months being together and I am so gald we have been together this long It makes me happy to know that I have someone who loves me and cares about me a lot and Is so sweet and Is so kind.Me and him are so happy together as of right now we have had our ups and downs but we are still goin and that don't mean we that we don't love each other.Because whatever happends or no matter how bad we fuss we will still always love each other no matter what Is going on In our lifes.We will always love each other no matter what we are so glad to have each other because we are nice and sweet and we know how to treat each other.So I just wanted to tell yall about mine and my boyfriends 6 mounths being together.
Monday, March 18, 2013
One of my favorite songs
Thursday, March 14, 2013
song called How do i live without you
Monday, March 11, 2013
My weekend
I had and AMAZING weekend it was the best ever.Because I got to see my boyfriend and it was wonderful.We had so much fun with each other he is so AMAZING.I love him with all of my heart and he is my world,my heart and my soul.I am gald I got ot see him this weekend it was so very really AMAZING.He is the most amazing boyfriend I have ever had.My weekends is always the best because of him.I love my weekend because he makes them so very wonderful.No one can make me mad if they do then he is there to make it all better because of him he makes my life so much better and the weekends wonderful.He is so sweet and loveable and I am glad I have him and I am glad he makes my weeknds so wonerful and so amazing.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
I love you
I am dating this one guy named Tim and he is loveable and so sweet I love him with all of my heart he is my baby and he will always be my baby.He is the best boyfriend I have ever had he is the sweetest thing I know an dthe sweetest thing I love.He will always be mine forever and ever and awlays.He is only mine and it iwll stay that way no one else will get him at all what so ever.I will fight someone over him and that is the truth.
Monday, March 4, 2013
My memories
My memories would be to remeber things form the beach.Like how much fun we have had when my mom was here and when she was not here.I can feel the warm sun on me right now and I and gettin ready to tan and I am so ready to go to the beach and I am hoping this time I can take an friend or my boyfriend because i get so board donw there with a one of my friends or my botfriend.But i hope yall have liked what I have posted today.And I think the beach is so pretty and it is warm down there and I just love to go.Because i go walkin or running with one of my cousins and we have a good time with each other.We go to a lot of places and It Is just so amazing.I am gald we have beaches to go to and have fun and get to spend time with family and friends and your boyfriend.
Friday, March 1, 2013
slice of life
I am going to tell you all about my life thats what slice of life means.My life is pretty good but it is not the that good.I have had a lot of problems in my life.My Mom died when i was in 5th grade and that made me feel really bad and i have not really been the same evey since that has happend.I am still very heart broken and i will never be able to get over it no matter what i do i will think of her even thought i don't talk about her does not mean i am not thinking of her.I think about her all of the time i just can get her out of my head sometime it all depends what i am doing.Sometimes i can get her out of my mind and some times i can't.Like when people talks abput her or tells me i look just liker her and act just like her i think about her a lot when they say that.People just don't know how bad that really hurts me.And if anyone would talk bad about my Mom and they don't even know her then i would reall beat someone butt in a heart beat.So if i ever hear someone talk about my Mom they better look out because it will not be good at all and i am only telling to thruth here and so yeahh thats my opinion and not your so yeahh.But i care about my Mom and no one is going to talk bad about her when i am around like i said it will be heck coming there way and i will not tollerate it at all.Because i think it is so stupid to talk about someons Mom when they are dead and not we here.And even if she was still here and and if any talked about her while she was alive then i would still beat the heck out of them i don't care i will be like that is my Mom you are talking about and you don't need to be doing that.I mean how would some one like others to talk about there Mom like that.They would not like it at all either now will they.No they would not so yeahh i hope yall will read this and comment on this well talk to yall later.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
I love you
Have any of yall seen this movie called Cyrano?? Well that is the movie we are watchin right now and the characters are Cyrano,chrstian,Roxane.So I have picked Roxane and she love him to death with all her heart.And she don't won't anything to happen to him.killed and she keeps on saying Christian talk to me speak to me.And when she finds out that he won't talk to her and crys so much because she is dead.I would hate to be her and go through what is is going through.I would hate to loose the guy that I love that would just llike is brok hers.I can imagin what she is going throught even though that has not happend to me.I just wish I could of been there with her when Cristian got killed I would of told her everything will be ok that she just needed to calm down.And she might find her a new boy that she loves but I know she probably won't feind another one she loves.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
My best friends
I have a lot of best friend and i want to name them all.They are Raven,Megan,Stephanie,Brandy,Deanna,Brittany,Brittany.I have some more i just don't wnat to list them all today i might latter one i don't know just yet but i probably will more likely.So just thought iw ould tell yall of my friends today so i hope some of yalls friends well comment on all of mine i have blogged well i will talk to yall later i hope yall will have a good day and for the rest of the day.Oh one more thing it has rained basically all day.It has made me want to go and take a nap.I beileve that when it rains that it can make everyone tried and ready to go take a nap at least thats what i think in my own opinion.But yall may think different then i do but oh well everyone thinks differnt than others.But it don't matter so now i am goin to go now so have a good day.
Arms wide open by: creed
Friday, February 22, 2013
Help my best friend
Today i had to help some people get a blogger account.And it is drving me insane!!!!!!!!!! But i am gald i got to help them.But it was driving me insane i tell you!!!!!!! But i guess it don't really matter if it drove me insane!
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