Today is not my people makes me mad and its just a rainy day. It's like when you are busy they have to bother you or bug you they can't leave you alone when your trying to work on a group project and they won't let you finish it. And the consistently blow up your phone and don't know when to stop and leave stuff alone. And when you talk to certain people they always have to get mad at every little thing that you do and it just ticks me off so bad to the point i wanna be done with this person. Because he is so demanding right now it ani't even funny it is like i can't do anything right now it's like i don't have a life right now having to deal with him. He just makes me so mad that i'm to the point that i don't know what to do. Someone give me some advice please i need help. Thanks for understanding those that do understand what i am going through and dealing with.