Friday, December 7, 2012
The weekend
Hey whats up.well i'm goin to have a great weekend because i am going to a praide tomorrow saturday december 8th,2012 i can't wait.I am ready fot it tomorrow.As soon as i get home i've got to cook somethings for tomorrow.I have to put the cookies in the oven and dip something in milk chocolate and white chocolate.I will have so much fun when I get home doing this.I can't wait i am so very excited about the praiade again.It's going to be a lot of fun.I'll get to see some of my friends and hang with them while i'm am there at the praide.I can't wait ti see some of my friends and hang with them me and my friends are goin to have so much fun together..I hope i get to see raven she is onr of my best best best best friends and I clame her as my sister and she clames me as her sister to:)...So hopefully she's going to be there and we can hang together..It will be even more better if she is there to hang with me:)But i'll let yall know how my weekend was later maybe if i don' forget..
Friday, November 16, 2012
Best friends
If one of my friends got in toruble then I would not try to lie for them.Because it all depends in the situation that there in.If it's not a big situation then I might can take up for them as much as I can.But if they are in a big situation that they can't get thereselves out then they will have to find there own way out of there big problem that they caused or the damages.Because you could get youself in troble as well and you did not do anything.The reason you can get in trouble is if u lie for them an dnot tel the real truth about what they did.But if you don'r like for your friends they want be your friends anymore or have anything to do with you.They will say i'm going to beat your butt because you did nto take up for me when i asked you to.Instead i got in big trouble and you said you will always be there for me when i need you.Then they will complain and complain until you go and you tell whoever the truth about your friend.Then they will tell you there sorry for eveything that they did and said to you and become your friend again.
Friday, November 9, 2012
When I was little
When I was little I use to be afraid of storms.But I'm trying to out grow them as much as I can.Because it's getting on my nerves being afraid of storms.When you know god is with you and he is not going to let anything happen to you.Because he is right with you at all times.God will never leave you.He's with you through out storms.Whenever you need him during a storm he will always be with you no matter what is going on in your life.If your afraid of storms like i used to be you don't have to be scared because he's going to protect you from whatever you are scared of.It does not matter.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Rich and famous
I would be a rich and famous celebertily.Because it would be cool and awesome to be famouse and rich.And you would get all the attetion when you have a concert.And I would be like Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert.Because they are sweet and they have a wonderful personality and they can sing good.And they would be two good leaders two follow I think.They are amazing people I hope one day I will be able to meet them in person.And talk to them backstage and interveiw them for like a website.But yeah if i would rich and famous I would love to be just like them and get good ides from them and learn a lot about them and learn a whole lot more about being rich and famous.Like what do u get to do everyday.And how many times you get to go on vacations.How many concerts you have.Email me and let me know what celeberity you would like to me and meet and why you choose them and why you want to meet them...
I would love to be a doctor to.Because you get to work with sick people and help them get better.I love to help people get better.So they can go out on vacation with there family.and when you help people you can help them so they want die.Doctors are good for helping getting them much batter as they was when they came in here.And doctors are good for doing surgery for people who needs serious medical surgery.Like cancer remove from they lungs or heart.Doctors are very very helpful to people.Don't be afraid to talk to a doctor or see one.Cause they are just here to help up feel better buy giving you some medican to feel much much better.The doctors are so good to people they will help them if they need help with anything.Jusr remember they doctors are basically always there for you.And they will do anything to help you feel much better again.
Friday, October 12, 2012
For halloween i'm goin to probaley be a devil or and whitch or whatever I like that looks interesting to me.I like halloween cause you get to see all kinds of different kinds of costums and all of the decorations in peoples yards..And people like halloween cause they get to scare people.They think its funny to scare little kids.Becaus they will use they bathroom in there pants and they will go and tell there parents and then the parents will come and say something to them and then it will get into a big fight over scaring there kids..And then the parents will go and tell the people who runs the place that they scared my little kid and they should not be able to scare little kids like that..They should only scared teenagers and adults.Because some of them realy don't care and it dont scare some of them.I love halloween because you get to get candy.But i don't go trick or treat any more.We take my little sister to tick or treat.And she shares her candy with me basically everytime she goes trick or treating she will share with some sometimes it all depends.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Cell phones
i wonder why why the teachers want let us have cell phones at school..Is it because we will be paying to much attention to the cell phone?Than we will the teaching lesson?Well i think so because all they seem ot care about in school is texting?Because they know that they are going ot get in trouble and get it taken away.I mean dont be stupid and text in class cause all its going to do is get them in trouble..But they really dont care some of them makes up excuses just to use there cell phones.They say i have to text my mom and stuff to see if she is coming to get me at school today?But we know thats a lie.So they all wonder why they dont allow cell phones and ipods at school.some teacher probaly do but thats just crazy cause they get in troble wuth the principle.For letting them have them out and using them for crazy stuff..
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wanted by: hunter Hayes
i am here to tell yall about haiti..Haiti is a very poor country and we all need to help support haiti as much as we can..By sending them food and clothes cause over there they donr have muvh and they need stuff to help them...They all need our prays to help the survive and to stay alive and to pray that they will get more food and be able to eat basically everyday.Haiti is a poor country but that does ot mean that no one cant support them..Everyone thinks haiti is a good place and they have a lot...But let me tell you this haiti does not have much..How do i know??...Because my dad and stepomom went there and they told me everything about haiti...The haitians has to wash they clothes in a round tub..They have to hang there clothes on cactises to let them dry...They have to sleep on matts in the floor.Some of the kids has to sleep out on the street or where ever they can find a place to sleep..Some of the kids dont have any partents..So think about the kids without any parents.That has to be super hard not to have any parents.The kids are all on there own sometimes not all the time.Some haitians will take care of them and feed the and they will ever let them stay with them.The haitians only have one picture up of there family cause thats all they have to show people of there family.The kids has to eat off the streets and out of the trash cans.So if everyone could support haiti by giving them food,clothes,and money they would be thankful..And they only will take one dollars bills over there at haiti no other more like 5,10,20,100s they will not take only one dollar bills...So i encourage each and everyone of yall to pleasesupport haiti...And to please get you a pass port and go there to see what it is like...Cause when you come back home you will be thankful to have what you got...So please take my advice and go to haiti...
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Spirit week
Everyday this week we had spirit week and it was fun...Monday we had wakey takey day..Tuseday was twin day where you dress like one of your friends and become there twin for the day...Wensday was decade day where you drees from the 70s 80s and the 90s...Thursday was team day pick your favoite team and wear it to schol to show off what team you like a lot of people had on carolina and duke and a bunch of others......Friday was roudy rebel day where you show off your schools spirti and wear your school colors......Then Friday night is our football game and we ae playing at home and we are playin lake norman....
Monday, September 10, 2012
I am 15 years old.I live in north carolina and i am in the 10th grade this year i am so excited about being in the 10th grade..I look forward to be doing a lot of things in journalism it si so exciting to be in this class...My favorite color if purple and i love dogs..I absolutly love rap and country music those two is my favorite kinds of music to listen to i like a bunch of others..I love to spend time with my family and friends and i love to hang out with my friends....Shopping is my favorite thing to do because you get new and pretty clothes and shoes before the first day of school or any other day..
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