Thursday, September 27, 2012


i am here to tell yall about haiti..Haiti is a very poor country and we all need to help support haiti as much as we can..By sending them food and clothes cause over there they donr have muvh and they need stuff to help them...They all need our prays to help the survive and to stay alive and to pray that they will get more food and be able to eat basically everyday.Haiti is a poor country but that does ot mean that no one cant support them..Everyone thinks haiti is a good place and they have a lot...But let me tell you this haiti does not have much..How do i know??...Because my dad and stepomom went there and they told me everything about haiti...The haitians has to wash they clothes in a round tub..They have to hang there clothes on cactises to let them dry...They have to sleep on matts in the floor.Some of the kids has to sleep out on the street or where ever they can find a place to sleep..Some of the kids dont have any partents..So think about the kids without any parents.That has to be super hard not to have any parents.The kids are all on there own sometimes not all the time.Some haitians will take care of them and feed the and they will ever let them stay with them.The haitians only have one picture up of there family cause thats all they have to show people of there family.The kids has to eat off the streets and out of the trash cans.So if everyone could support haiti by giving them food,clothes,and money they would be thankful..And they only will take one dollars bills over there at haiti no other more like 5,10,20,100s they will not take only one dollar bills...So i encourage each and everyone of yall to pleasesupport haiti...And to please get you a pass port and go there to see what it is like...Cause when you come back home you will be thankful to have what you got...So please take my advice and go to haiti...

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